As our Wapiti is sourced from the Wild we do not need to make any great proclamations about how good it is for you. But for those who want some reassurance we can 100% guarantee that it is free range, antibiotic free, gluten free, dairy free, beyond organic, and grown on some of New Zealand’s finest native vegetation. This might be a little tongue in cheek, but it could be said that you are what you eat eats…if so then wild protein of any form is a great choice!
However for those of you who are into numbers, then we have undertaken some nutritional testing to back our claims with a comparison against other proteins shown below.

- Low in cholesterol
- Great source of Iron
- Great source of protein
- Ultra low in total fat and saturated fats
Comparison of WithWild Wapiti Leg versus alternative protein offerings.
These tests relate to an uncooked 100gm portion of Denver leg

Nutritional Basics
Protein is required for the growth and repair of body tissues - wild venison is an excellent source no matter your age or stage in life.
Fat and saturated fatty acids
Health concerns are more prevalent today for a lot of adults in Western countries. One of the culprits is a diet that contains an excessive intake of dietary fat, particularly saturated fatty acids.
Venison is very low in fat, making it an ideal meat to include in your typical New Zealand diet.
Iron: Iron deficiency is prevalent in New Zealand and world-wide. Typically, it can be found among infants, young children and adolescent girls (especially those of Mâori, Pacific Island and Asian descent) including all women of a childbearing age.
Venison is one of the best dietary sources that you can find. It is an important micro nutrient for early cognitive development in toddlers and young children. Iron deficiency can impair cognitive function, lead to symptoms of fatigue, and result in overall impaired immunity,
Zinc: Zinc is a component of various enzymes and helps your immune system and metabolism function. It is also useful for healing wounds, blood clotting and thyroid function. Venison is a good source of zinc.
Selenium: Venison is a source of selenium, which is essential for a healthy immune system. It is an essential part of various enzymes and proteins that help to protect against cell damage and infections.